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Dub Reggae Electronic

City Club // Einlass 20 Uhr, Beginn 20.30 // VVK 12.-, AK 13.-


Mit »Aurora« ist dem mexikanischen Sänger Lengualerta ein Langspieler gelungen, bei dem kritischengagierte Texte stilsicher und erstaunlich frisch auf mitreißende Sounds treffen. Bereits seit 15 Jahren ist Lengualerta künstlerisch aktiv und macht dabei auf die Missstände in seiner Heimat aufmerksam und legt den Finger in die Wunden des Systems – wortgewaltig und unverblümt. Neben unzähligen Konzerten in seiner Heimat war er schon auf Bühnen in Südamerika, Kanada und Europa zu sehen. Dort gelang es ihm stets, einen bleibenden Eindruck zu hinterlassen. Charakteristisch für Lengualerta ist die Verknüpfung von Reggae mit lateinamerikanischen Protestliedern und südamerikanischen Genres wie etwa Cumbia. Ein weitgefasstes Spektrum, das Lengualerta als Kosmopolit und Grenzgänger ausweist. Auch bei der Auswahl seiner Riddims ist der ganze Erdball vertreten. Neben seinem Hausproduzenten Dukas (Bungalo Dub) sind auf »Aurora« beispielsweise auch Produktionen von Ganjaman, Ingo Rheinbay (Pow Pow), Twilight Circus und Seeed am Start.

After almost 15 years of working together, the BUNGALO DUB-LENGUALERTA duo finally embarks on an European tour that will betake part of the Iberian Peninsula, France and Germany; presenting in festivals and forums this peculiar amalgam between the powerful and deep bass of BUNGALO and the sharp lyrical and melodic flow of LENGUALERTA. 
BUNGALO DUB was founded in 2002 in the east area of Mexico City, with the idea of mixing Dub, Reggae and Electronic music elements taken from Jungle and Drum and Bass, which at that moment was consider something completely experimental and underground. Thanks to that fusion, BUNGALO DUB was able to create a very distinctive label, that was redefined when it discovered the dawn of the English Dubstep scene.Since then, BUNGALO DUB, through its Seven Records label, has edited 4 album productions, as well as many singles, collaborating with renowned producers and singers from the international Dub scene, such as Mad Professor, Macka B, Zion Train, Kanka, Jamalski, Zakeya, Rankin Joe and Brother Culture amongst some; and at the same time, it has thriven and nurtured the Mexican and Latin-American Dub scene by convening a great deal of artists such as Alika (Argentina), Lengualerta and Nedman Guerrero (Mexico), Roy Hass (France-Mex), Dada Yute (Brazil), I Nesta and Perdo Mo (Peru), Tiano Bless (Chile) and many more.“Steppa” -BUNGALO DUB´s production- received the IMAS award for “Best Reggae Album” of 2016, and was presented in Mexico City in a show next to the pioneer legends Lee “Scratch” Perry, Mad Professor and Dennis Bovell. This album also brought up BUNGALO DUB´s first international shows, playing in countries like Japan, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
LENGUALERTA is a solo project centered on social transformation through his music and words. He began his aural pilgrimage in 2006, in the city of Tijuana. He has tourers since throughout Mexico, Latin America and Europe. He carries with him a critical and proactive message that seeks to endow a festive sense of rebellion and invites us to turn our eyes towards our essence of our humanity, versing on a trail of reggae and dub, and always leaving the door open to fusion with other genres.With a particular vocal style, LENGUALERTA has performed in more than 20 countries, sharing the stage with artists such as Manu Chao, Easy Star All Stars, Ana Tijoux, Mad Professor, Aterciopelados, Fermín Muguruza and Mungo's Hi Fi.

Gefördert durch die Stadt Augsburg